Professionalism, Experience and Reliability.

Three adjectives to a single brand: Costruzioni Bonifazio S.r.l. For Paolo Bonifazio was born around thirty-five years ago at Cutro (Crotone), years of experience in the construction industry, a long apprenticeship, even abroad, then in 1988, the final choice of moving to Castiglione delle Stiviere and establish a new company by spreading from scratch. Here he began to build his own.
The passion, the seriousness with which the enterprise Costruzioni Bonifazio was dedicated to the world of construction meant that opened the doors of entrepreneurship.

The company, formed by trusted third parties who maintain our strong values, is structured to direct family administrator Paul Bonifazio and flanked by his nephew Antonio Virelli, acting as "executants", by his son-in-law Luigi Rizzuti and nephew Gianfranco Virelli, acting as "capocantieri", and as "responsible management accounting", his daughter Mimma.
There are several people working at the behest of the company, many of which with twenty years of experience. In order to maintain high quality standards is often also required the collaboration of local artisans.

So, today, the construction firm Costruzioni Bonifazio manufactures and sells real estate with luxury finishes throughout the Alto Mantovano and Lake Garda. And is one of the leading companies in this sector. The secret of a success that has lasted for almost two decades is built with quality materials and do so at competitive prices, so that any hard property over time, increasing its value.

Costruzioni Bonifazio deals directly or the property of his sale, offering unlimited support over time. Also deals with the construction of commercial buildings and directional. A strong company results therefore have allowed the achievement of important goals that have qualified our company bringing it up at the top of the construction industry.
State Aid

Codice FiscaleConcedenteProgettoData ConcessioneElemento di aiuto
06363391001Agenzia delle entrateContributo fondo perduto - art.1DL 22
marzo 2021 nr.41 Decreto Sotegni
06363391001Agenzia delle entrateContributo fondo perduto - art.1DL 25
marzo 2021 nr.73 Decreto Sotegni
06363391001Agenzia delle entrateDefinizione agevolata delle somme dovute
a seguito del controllo automatizzato delle
dichiarazioni art.5 commi 1-9 D.L. nr 41/2021
06363391001Agenzia delle entrateCredito d'imposta locazioni - art.8, 8bis,
DL 137/2020 (non abitativi e affitto azienda)
06363391001Banca del Mezzogiorno
MedioCredito Centrale S.p.A.
Garanzia del Fondo a valere sulla sezione
speciale di cui all'art.56 DL 17 marzo 2020 nr.18
Costruzioni Bonifazio S.r.l.
Impresa di Costruzioni

Where we @.
Via Corfù, 77 - 25124 Brescia
Via Mantova, 121/A - 25017 Lonato del Garda (BS)

+39 030 91 56 904
+39 030 91 56 904

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